
Hi! I am your NOWA Data Steward and I'm here to help!

The easiest way to make use of the support for project and data management is to let me know that you would like to have my support (it's as simple as that...). Based on the state and development of your project, there are multiple ways how I can support you. My support can include

The Turing Way project illustration by Scriberia. Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.
  • setting up a (GitLab) repository with a suitable structure for your project
  • help to transfer data between environments
  • consultation on and technical implementation of folder and file structure and standards (e.g., BIDS)
  • consultation on open analyses tools for your kind of data
  • consultation for sensitive data projects
  • curation of your repository
  • manage authorization for collaborators of your project (i.e., accounts)


You can contact me any time with any request for support regarding project and data management. I’m very happy to help!