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Research Data Management Plan

In 2020, Thorsten Arendt collected Research Data Management (RDM) plans of all SFB135 projects. A RDM plan contains information about your project regarding things like data storage, kind and amount of digital data, file formats, reuse of data, metadata, software and so on (for comprehensive information about RDM plans see Michener, 2015).

As one goal of NOWA is to support the groups with doing good research data management, all RDM plans should be updated on a regular basis. For this, I kindly ask you to go through the following steps:

  1. Check the current status of your RDM plan collected in 2020 here
  2. If your RDM plan doesn’t need to be updated, just send me a quick email to let me know
  3. If your RDM plan needs an update:
  4. clone this gitlab repository (all SFB135 members shold have access rights by their university Marburg account)
  5. fill out this template
  6. name your RDM plan as follows: rdmplan_projectnumber(e.g., B2)_2023.pdf
  7. save and commit your RDM plan to this directory by creating a new branch and starting a merge request (please name the branch your-name_project-number)

As soon as I received your merge request, I will check your RDM plan for completeness. As a last step, I will import your RDM plan as a project in the RDM organizer of the university of Marburg. I hope to have received all updates before the end of March 2023.

P.S.: If you have troubles accessing the gitlab repository or following the gitlab workflow, you can request the necessary materials from me via email.