Open Science blogs and podcasts

Learn about Open Science in a casual but informative way.

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Blogs and podcasts are a very popular tool to raise awareness and interest on certain topics. For Open Science too, there are blogs, podcasts, and journal clubs that introduce related topics in a casual but informative way:

Heidi Seibold is a freelancer in the field of Open Science. Starting as a researcher, Heidi became more and more interested in Open Science and eventually decided to dedicate her work life fully to being an Open Science trainer and consultant. She improves the way we do research by giving workshops, including a Reproducible Data Science Summer School, having a podcast, and providing a newsletter with all sorts of interesting discussions about Open Science.

The Open Science Radio is a podcast by Matthias Fromm in which invited guest speakers get interviewed about their field of Open Science expertise. Recent topics include for example discussions about the scholarly publishing system, Open Access, Preprints, or Open Knowledge Maps.

ReprducibiliTea is a Journal Club initiative dedicated to the goal to connect Open Science enthusiasts from all over the world. The Journal Clubs work just as you know them: Papers and current issues are discussed in a small group with people who all share the same interest. The Journal Clubs are created to be local. For Germany, for example, there is an existing Journal Club located in Frankfurt by members of the Goethe University and everyone is welcome to join them (every second Wednesday, online on Zoom, from 4pm to 5pm; contact).